Jul 2015
Meet The Owner
Timothy Macpherson has had a lifetime fascination with Humber cars, probably dating back to when he rode home from the hospital on his mother’s lap (She recalls him squawking the whole way – maybe he was saying he wanted to drive). At 2 yo, he was driven to Queensland in one and at 16 he learnt how to drive in a Humber. Owing his introduction to these cars to his father, Timothy has found them to be reliable for his everyday transport with a touch of class.
Located in Humber Court HAPPY VALLEY, or the southern foothills of Adelaide, Timothy has been known to travel far and wide to collect or ‘rescue’ these forgotten marques, towing them back into the Humber ‘fold’ for refurbishment. Such travels have taken him to Queensland and as far west as Perth and east to Sydney and Newcastle.
Everyone needs a hobby, but Tim is the first to concede that this has blown into a full-blown obsession. Despite the blood, sweat and tears necessary to get to this point, he wouldn’t have it any other way. He has had some great trips, and met many great friends through the Humber Club and on his travels. He invites you to share in his appreciation of these lovely cars and limousines of a bygone era.
Sit back. Relax.
Let us do the driving, and let you enjoy life at a different pace, and allow you to sample ‘the world’s most comfortable rear seat ride’ for yourself!